
A very useful collection of 10-minute videos on multiple theological topics:

Ask The Pastor

Ask The Pastor

A set of excellent videos highlighting the Scriptural teaching of justification by faith alone and explaining the problems with the teaching called “Objective Justification”:

Justification Made Clear on Youtube

A website offering over a hundred different Bible reading plans:

Essays and articles on Justification:

The Waltherian Error of UOJ
A Brief Defense against “Objective Justification”
The Forensic Appeal to the Throne of Grace (Pastor Rydecki’s essay on justification)
On Pieper and Romans 4
Exegesis of Romans 3-4
Exegesis of Romans 5
Justification summarized on one page
Scripture passages that teach how God justifies the sinner
An explanation of the passages used to prove a universal, objective justification
Book of Concord quotes – There is no justification of sinners apart from the Means of Grace and apart from faith
Objective Justification or Justification by Faith? (Explanation by Pr. Randy Moll)
ELDoNA: Theses on Justification

Miscellaneous theological or pastoral materials:

An Invitation to Hear the Truth

Martin Luther’s Sermon on Christ’s Descent into Hell

Advocating for Modern English in Our Liturgy (while still a member of the ELDoNA)

Pastor Rydecki’s resignation letter to the ELDoNA (abbreviated)
Episcopal Address to the 2022 Synod of the ELDoNA

Pastoral Rationale for Using the Common Cup for Holy Communion
Recitation of the Small Catechism